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Enabling DFC Trace

The DFC trace is used for debugging the Content Server or Webtop or any DFC API based application.

It is advised to enable tracing when you are doing something critical in the Content server, if something goes wrong then these logs will help the EMC support team to analyze your issue.

Below are the properties that are available for tracing.  dfc.tracing.enable property must be true to enable tracing. These properties has to be added to the You can find the detailed description for each properties in $DOCUMENTUM/config/

The DFC Trace will cause performance issue, so it is highly recommended not to enable unless it is required

dfc.tracing.enable = true
dfc.tracing.date_column_width = -1
dfc.tracing.date_format =
dfc.tracing.dir = ${dfc.user.dir}/logs
dfc.tracing.file_creation_mode = standard
dfc.tracing.file_override =
dfc.tracing.file_prefix = dfctrace
dfc.tracing.include_rpc_count = false
dfc.tracing.include_rpcs = false
dfc.tracing.include_session_id = true
dfc.tracing.log.additivity = false
dfc.tracing.log.category = {“com.documentum.fc.client.impl.session”, “com.documentum.fc.client.impl.connection”}
dfc.tracing.log.level =
dfc.tracing.max_backup_index = 1
dfc.tracing.max_file_size = 100MB
dfc.tracing.max_stack_depth = 1
dfc.tracing.method_name_filter =
dfc.tracing.mode = compact
dfc.tracing.print_exception_stack = false
dfc.tracing.print_stack_on_method_match = false
dfc.tracing.thread_name_filter =
dfc.tracing.timing_style = seconds
dfc.tracing.user_name_filter =
dfc.tracing.verbose = false
Published inDFCDocumentumWEBTOP