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R3 Corda Developer Certification Questions – Part 7

Below is few question Dump for R3 Corda 4 Developer Certification

61) TransactionBuilder should be used in which of the Corda Class?

Answer : Flow

62) What pre-defined flow is used to notarise a transaction and record it in every participant/owner’s vault?

Answer : FinalityFlow

63) When would you wrap an exception in a flow within a FlowException instance?

Answer : When you want the exception to be propagated back to the node that is suspended and waiting for your flow to respond because of a send or receive call

64) What happens if your node receives a message from a flow for which it has not registered a response flow?

Answer : It ignores the message

65) What steps need to be taken to preserve flows across a node reboot?

Answer : None, each flow is automatically serialized and persisted to disk to be eventually finished.

66) How long can flows remain in a suspended state?

Answer : Indefinitely

67) Contract verify is the only code that runs when verifying a transaction.

Answer : TRUE

68) What is the minimum number of combined input and output states in a transaction?

Answer : 1

69) When signing a transaction, what is the actual data structure being signed?

Answer : The root hash of the transaction’s Merkle tree

70) What does a Transaction in Corda represent?

Answer : A proposal for a number of participants to update their ledgers.

Published inCordaDeveloper Certification