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R3 Corda Developer Certification Questions – Part 9

Below is few question Dump for R3 Corda 4 Developer Certification

81) How does the receiver Node download the physical attachments from the sender Node?

Answer : Download the physical files via RPC client calls

82) Attachment metadata can be queried in a similar way to the vault.

Answer : TRUE

83) What service does an Oracle provide to a Corda Network?

Answer : Provides data external to the ledger into a Transaction and signs the Transaction.

84) Oracle services can be used both when proposing and when verifying transactions.

Answer : TRUE

85) How can a contract ensure that a transaction is only valid if it is fully signed before time X?

Answer : By adding a TimeWindow to the Transaction and getting the Notary to sign the Transaction within that TimeWindow.

86) Where is the default transaction size stored at?

Answer : Network Parameter file

87) If a bilateral flow is kicked off between two parties, first checkpointed by Party A and then by Party B, do those flows share an Id? e.g. – if I search through the checkpoints on both nodes, will I be able to match them?

Answer : No, The id of the checkpoint is based on the id of the FlowStateMachine. This state machine is not shared between the two nodes

88) What are the key storetypes that Corda accept? (Multi-select)

Answer : Pkcs12, Jks

89) Assuming you are upgrading your node from the older version to the latest version of Corda, what is the first command that you are running?

Answer : gracefulShutdown

90) What is the possible return type of this method? ______________ output = stx.getTx().getOutputs().get(0).getData();

Answer : ContractState

91) How does testing code work in the test folder?

Answer : It will start a mock network and run the unit tests to test out the different parts of the application

92) What does the following code return? val confidentialIdentities = subFlow(SwapIdentitiesFlow( counterpartySession, GENERATE_CONFIDENTIAL_IDS.childProgressTracker()))

Answer : A LinkedHashMap of <Party, AnonymousParty> pair

93) When distributing states to the observer manually using helper flow, which method actually handles the writing to the ledger?

Answer : recordTransaction

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Published inCordaDeveloper Certification