The versioning happens when the user checkout and checkin the document. When a user check-in a document the user is provided with below options
- Major Version
- Minor Version
- Same Version
The content server applies an implicit version label to each document. The root version of the document has version id 1.0.
Duplicate versions are not allowed in the version tree. The “current version” means that the label CURRENT is assigned to it. There can be only one Current version in the tree. The versions 2.0 or 3.0 ..etc are created when the documents are checked-in as “Major Version””. The versions like 1.1, 1.2, …. etc are created when the documents are checked-in as “Minor Version””.
Application and DFC queries use the current version as the default. Application requires explicit actions for accesing non-current version.
The branching and the creation of new versions are explained below